Monday, 3 October 2011

Night time ride

Back from work at 6.30pm to the usual greeting from Sasha. My tea was ready and after it and an hours relaxation Sasha was taken out for her walk.

The evening was cool with a mild breeze, suddenly, I felt I had to have a cycle, so I rushed Sasha home and got the Guvnor ready. When I say ready I just mean fit the lights, a B&M Ixon IQ headlight and two Blackburn rear lights.

Recently I bought an Altura Night Vision jacket which came with a light stick, this attaches to the back of the jacket with velcro. I put it on flash mode.

Off I went, from the Scrabo Road roundabout to the Portaferry Road roundabout down the Portaferry Road as far as Finlays Road. I turned into Finlays Road and up to the Ballyblack Road then onto the Ballyhaft, Cunningburn, Crossnamuckly, Drumawhey and Loughries Roads back onto the Ballyblack Road, on to Ards and home. A run of about 15 miles mostly along dark country lanes.

The Ixon light did a great job lighting up the road.

I was thinking a head light would be ideal for seeing into bends and generally to light up anything I'd be looking at. The dynamo system will also add more light.

This run tonight was an excellent workout. I find it really satisfying to be out along the roads and not in my garage on the trainer. I find the trainer really boring.

I would really recommend cycling the quiet country roads providing you can see well and be seen better.

The Pashley to my mind is more reliable than the Moulton for night time cycling with its low pressure tyres filled with anti puncture slime, and they are also very sure footed both on wet and dry roads.


  1. Sounds like a nice ride! I love riding through the countryside at night.

  2. I really enjoyed the ride last night, thanks. Lovely and peaceful.
    The Scenic Route in your Blog looks really lovely, great for cycling along. Is this near to where you live?
